Dio (they/them) is an artist, organizer, and printmaker currently living on occupied Dakota lands in so-called Minnesota. Their work is focused on community building and organizing through the arts, and creating accessible and sharable art in support of justice movements. When not drawing, you can find them drinking tea, picking up shiny objects from the ground, or marveling at brick buildings. 

Featured in:

Art and the Stop Line 3 Movement: Dio Cramer
Joshua Preston, MN Artists

How Artists Are Using Their Work to Fuel Liberation Movements
Nylah Burton, Shondaland

A Coalition of Artists Promote Indigenous and Environmental Struggles Through Open Access Art
Billy Anania, Hyperallergic

Art as Activism: NDN Collective Collabs with Artists to Defund the Line 3 Pipeline
Brandy Douglas, NDN Collective

Macalester students contribute to #StopLine3 resistance through online art
Libby Sykes, The Mac Weekly

“Painting of the Bus” with Dio Cramer

©2024Please reach me at dio.cramer@gmail.com