None of these projects were completed in isolation, and would not exist without the support, inspiration, and hands of many. I define personal work here as in-depth work of my own artistic and intellectual practice.

“Oh the Wind and Rain” 

Crankie (2024)

My mom recorded this song in 2014 before she died, and a couple of years ago (as I was falling in love with the crankie as a storytelling form) it was decided that I should make a crankie to tell the story of this ballad. I sat on the project for a few years, and then this winter rushed to get it into the world — all 30 feet of it! Hard to finish this project without getting to show it to her, but I think she’d be pleased with the collaboration through time & space.

Brick Walk 

Brick Walk: An exploration of the dérive, London landscapes, and the psychogeography of old bricks.

This project unfolded as I walked 130 miles around London over the course of three weeks. It is an experiment in walking and wandering, exploring and observing, and trying to figure out why I’m so obsessed with bricks.


From Soap to Cities
Biomimicry as a Tool for Mindful Design in the Anthropocene

An Illustrated Manifesto (2020)

The challenges of the Anthropocene call upon all of us as creatives, designers, and scholars to design new methods of survival. I seek to explore how the process of design, broadly conceived, can solve vital problems, improve human and non-human lives, and even benefit the planet we share.

This project, a 40 page illustrated book, was completed for my Honors Thesis in the Geography Department at Macalester College, 2020.


“Go Outside” Crankie

My very first crankie -- to the song Go Outside by The Ratboys.

©2024Please reach me at